Weaverville ABC Board

Notice of Special Called Meeting And Notice of Remote Electronic Meeting

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Weaverville ABC Board will hold a special called meeting on Thursday, January 7, 2021, beginning at 2:00 pm., for the purpose of discussing and taking action concerning EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION BONUSES, COVID-19 RESPONSE, and CLOSED SESSION FOR PERSONNEL MATTERS AS ALLOWED BY GS 143-318.11(a)(6). Action may be taken. Public comments will not be heard.

This special called meeting will occur as an electronic audio/video meeting via Zoom Meeting. Access to the meeting and hearing will begin at 1:55 pm on January 7, 2021, and the meeting will start at 2:00 pm.


To join the meeting BY COMPUTER, use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85948891960 .

You may be asked for permission to access your computer’s video and audio. If so, click “allow.” You will then be asked for the Meeting ID which is: 859 4889 1960 .

To join the meeting BY PHONE, call: (253) 215-8782 or (301) 715 8592. You will then be asked for the Meeting ID which is: 859 4889 1960 .

If you would like ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or to review the content, or have questions regarding how to join the meeting,  you may contact Jennifer Jackson at 828-442-1858 or jjackson@weavervillenc.org.